Secara xlansung di sini nk menyatakan yang Ipoh kalau pegi due kali seminggu, adelah BEST..
[Ada kaitan ke Balqis?? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. sastera sangat laaaa kaw ni!! ha ha ha ha]
Ipoh mali Ipoh mali. Hey3x, jatuh chenta suda sama Ipoh. I've been there for 2x last week. First wif my lovely familia. Congrats to my sista atas grad nye beliau. Hello Health Inspector !! Lepas tuh pg Cameron pulak kan. Memang tak r nk igt Istana Kehakiman kan. Ha ha ha.
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3 stooges |
[Hey, durian ipoh sangat sangat sedap oke].
Tp Am, bnyak sangat kaw beli. Xsio la teman makan banyak bnyak.. Taraaaaa, we have Am n Huzaifah in Ipoh.. Thanx dude for d treat. Sangat menghargainye.
Pukul 5 tibe-tibe kereta bergerak sendiri dari Ipoh ke _____. Kami confuse dan diam-diam je duduk dalam. Suddenly, dah tersadai dekat Lumut. Peliknyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. [Pelik jugak kalau korang pecaye pada konspirasi yang sememangnye sengaje sebenarnye nk pg pulau pangkor. Kreta bergerak sendiri konon, eleh].
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baju putih itu Am.baju oren itu huzaifah. |
Seriously, Pangkor was ohsem !!!! A day was not enough to discover this ohsem island bebeh~! I need to go there again and having sunbathing + snorkeling + cycling and stay there for several days. We went there only on Sunday after had a nite in JR hotel in Sitiawan. Nice and reasonable price.[Thanx Najib brought us there]
Owh, in here is my turn to introduce my tourist guide named Encik Najib. [psst : Bagus sgt dye nih bawak kiteorg jalan-jalan. Tp kalau dye ckp psal ade wayang 3D kt Sitiawan, pecaye je tau walaupun mcm ssh nk pecaye. ha ha kalau xpecaye nnt akan membawa kepade kemurkaan. ha ha][Thanx again Najib for d treat]
Utk ke pangkor, kami naek ferry dari Marina Island. Tak jauh + tak lame + tak mendatangkan effect kepade pemabuk - pemabuk laut seperti saye!! ha ha. Harga tiket adalah RM 10 dua hala~ So, enjoy d pics lah.. tulis tulis xfeel . heeeeeeeeee~
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At the back : pangkor island |
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pemabuk pemabuk |
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Kota Belanda |
Oke. Enough for tonite mumbling. I need rest to keep away fever.. Please stay away fever.. Don't bother me till monday. Tuesday onwards only u can bother me.. huha. nyte peeps.